Core Chiropractic, New England Road, Brighton, BN1 4GW

  Contact : 01273 933 170

Lola Chesney BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy

Lola Chesney. Physiotherapist with a background in personal training and nutrition coaching. “I’ve always been interested in health and fitness, and started out my career in this field as a personal trainer. Through working with clients in the gym, my focus developed into that around injury prevention and rehabilitation, leading me to take a Batchelor’s degree in physiotherapy.” “Now, whilst studying for a Master’s degree in veterinary physiotherapy, I help people live with less pain and a better quality of movement. I have a particular interest in the ways in which how we move affects our lives, whether that be in relation to injury prevention or rehabilitation.” “With a history in strength and conditioning, and Olympic lifting, I can help you to move better and with less pain, while improving your form in the gym and in every day life. In clinic, I’ll use manual techniques and guided rehab programmes to aid tissue repair, and build up strength and mobility, respectively.” “I also use electrotherapies, including Shockwave and Ultrasound to aid tissue healing and speed up your recovery process. Shockwave therapy works particularly well for Plantar Fasciitis, tendon injuries, and frozen shoulder, while therapeutic Ultrasound is great for reducing inflammation and helping to realign healing tissues.” “I try my best to go above and beyond for my patients and can offer nutritional and training advice where appropriate, as well as offering more structured coaching alongside, or separate to, your physiotherapy journey.”

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