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  Contact : 01273 933 170

All Posts in Category: Posture Care

Low Back Pain Exercise – The Cat Camel

The Cat Camel Exercise is a great low back pain exercise for mobilising and improving the flexibility of the mid-low back and pelvis. This exercise shows how to mobilise the back without placing too much stress over the low back joints.

Complete the exercise when you are looking recover from an episode of back pain or preventing back pain occuring in the future.

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Neck Flexibility Exercises

Neck Flexibility Exericses might be something you need today! Do you suffer from a stiff neck and shoulders in the office? If so then you need to read on!

Here are some great neck flexibility exercises that can be done in the office or anywhere during the day.

Classic times when people experience these problems are when sitting and concetnrating on something in front of them.

Desk workk on the computer
Watching TV

Are all good examples of when you should be keeping the neck moving and preventing it from stiffening.

These are simple mobilisation exercises and should be done only within pain free range of motion hence do not push the neck in towards any pain.

If you wish to see further tips and advice for further flexibility exercises or strengthening then please continue through this link

Otherwise enjoy and listen up for any further tips and advice from Core Chiropractic

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Brighton Chiropractor | Good Posture

Brighton Chiropractor writes about Good Posture His column this month concentrates on the effects and benefits of good posture both to your health and to your business.

If you feel that you need help with your posture helping you stand taller and more confident, reducing pain or even for the psychological effects of better posture then don’t hesitate to book in for a FREE POSTURE ANALYSIS today.

Core Chiropractic offer FREE 20MIN POSTURE ANALYSIS with a posture screen which you can take away with you as well as consultation offering advice to how you can help your posture in the future. Book in today by calling 01273 933170

The Whole article in this weeks Independent reads as follows

The Core Health Essentials to Health
With Matthew Bateman (Doctor of Chiropractic)
Can your posture improve your business?
A tall, authoritative and decisive YES is the answer. Good posture can help you in physiological and psychological ways. It can help you breathe more efficiently allowing oxygen to get to the brain and other organs. It can help the spinal cord communicate with your whole body better. But the most interesting aspect is that in the business world good posture is seen to portray confidence, strength and command of the situation.

Everybody knows that posture is important physiologically. Good posture places your bodyweight in the best position for your muscles and joints to hold you upright against gravity. We know that having your ear, hip and ankle inline helps you hold a good balanced posture. Good posture is seen to also reduce the levels of cortisol in the blood which can in turn reduce stress.

Good posture can affect physical and chemical aspects of your health. However it is interesting how good posture affects non-verbal communication. If we look down and allow our shoulders to hunch upwards then we appear less confident in our communication. When we drop our shoulder blades backwards and downwards our chest comes up and forwards naturally portraying confidence. When forced by simply puffing up your chest, the onlooker can subconsciously identify this as a show and not believe your confidence. Good posture is something you do and not something you have. Hence natural posture which is practiced and adopted as normal movement patterns will be authentic within your body language.

Everybody’s posture is different however good physical exercise including core stability, upper and mid-back strengthening with advice from physical therapists if needed can help develop a better natural posture to help your physiological and psychological health.

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Postural Exercises with suspension trainer from Brighton Chiropractor

Postural Exercises from Brighton Chiropractors can help target the muscles which stabilise the shoulders preventing neck and shoulder pain. This exercise can target the rhomboids, low trapezius and rear deltoid msucles which strengthen and stabilise the shoulder blade in good posture.

There are many postural exercises combined with hands on Chiropractic care in Brightons Core Chiropractic to help treat pain and prevent reoccurance in the future.

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World Spine Day 2016

Straighten up on world spine day

Core Chiropractic is urging people to pay attention to their posture and straighten up this World Spine Day (October 16th) by following a few simple steps.

Recent research from the British Chiropractic Association found that over half of south east England (52%) who have suffered from back or neck pain believe poor posture triggers it. However, having and maintaining a good posture can help to keep back pain at bay.

Many people don’t realise that a straight spine is more achievable than they think, and incorporating just a few small changes into our daily routines can make a huge difference to back health.

Core Chiropractic has compiled a number of simple tips to improve posture and protect against back pain.

  • Get up, stand up. Inactivity is a leading cause of back pain. If you spend most of your day sitting, make sure that you take regular breaks, ideally every 20-30 minutes. Stand up to stretch, change position and walk around a little.
  • Stretch it out. If you struggle to get away from your seat at work, simple activities such as stretching and shoulder shrugging and even simply fidgeting in your seat can all help to keep your back in line.
  • Keep moving. Exercise is key to a healthy back, however you don’t need to embark on any extreme fitness regimes. Adding just a few extra minutes of walking a day can have a huge impact on your posture.
  • Straighten Up. Try incorporating some simple exercises into your daily routine. The BCA has developed – Straighten Up UK – a series of simple exercises designed to improve posture and help prevent back pain by promoting balance, strength and flexibility in the spine. You can find these via the BCA website on
  • Spot your side profile. Paying closer attention to your body’s side profile can help you recognise back or neck pain triggers. People who want to improve their posture should try imagining they have a plumb line hanging straight from their ears to ankles – with everything in the middle sitting on the same line.One way to do this is to try standing in a relaxed way and then gently contracting the abdominal muscles

Matthew Bateman comments: “As modern lifestyles put increasing amounts of strain on our backs and necks it’s becoming even more important for people to take proactive measures to protect their back health.

“Prevention is always better than cure, so this World Spine Day we want to encourage people to straighten up, and incorporate simple steps into their daily routine to maintain a healthy posture. For example, people are often surprised at the positive impact that simply ensuring you take regular breaks when sitting for long periods of time, or walking regularly can have on your back.” 

For more information on how to maintain a healthy posture and avoid triggering neck and back pain, visit

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Best ways to squat – Core Chiropractic advice on lifting

Best ways to squat – Core Chiropractic advice on lifting

People experience back pain when they are lifting badly without good form. This is due to improper loading of the spine and in so doing we can strain muscles and sprain joints. Poor squatting techniques and bad lifting can all of a sudden cause back pain. This is why in practice we see many people to explain that “I was only bending to pick up my bag and my back went”

However the best ways to squat help you decrease the chances of causing back pain. If we can learn how to squat and bend properly without putting our back under pressure then we decrease to chances of causing tissue damage. The more we practice best ways to squat then the quicker it becomes natural and habitual.

In the words of Marcus Gladwell the start of your 10,000hours starts here. By practicing this form consciously when lifting in the gym or simple tasks makes the movement pattern then habit. When something is habit you will still do it at a subconscious level. So when the kids are screaming and you need to pull the clothes out of the drier you will still squat properly.

Learn the patterns of moving your hips backwards during the best ways to squat and protect your back for the future.

Hip Hinging

This simple video illustrates the ease of preforming a hip hinge when lifting. There are many other techniques when lifting including the golfers lift as seen below.

Check out our advice on the golfers lift on

Keep your eyes out for future videos in our library on core stabilisation techniques and exercises to help maintain a good base for strong lifting.

Further Advice

If you are currently suffering with a problem then don’t simply try to work through it. Visit Core Chiropractic and have any injury  assessed diagnosed and a treatment plan set out for you.



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Sitting is the new SMOKING

Sitting is the new SMOKING and everybody appears to know they sit too long but don’t know what it does.


Firstly we turn off all our abdominal muscles and core stabilisers. We turn them off and decondition them so that when we need stabilisation to move and lift etc they are not what they  should be.

Secondly we hunch forward and create a forward curve in our upper back and neck. We lean our heads towards the computer  and put stress on our necks and shoulders.

One more (of many) we reduce the flexibility of our hips putting them in a bent position all day  which in turns leans to poor movement in walking and standing upright.

There are many problems  which sitting can cause beyond the physical….. and I haven’t even discussed the lack of movement to your heart. However get up and away from your desk every 20-30 minutes and move. Get some water or simply walk as this will improve the stability of you low back and neck.

Lastly check your work station for  proper set up and then get you spine checked at Core Chiropractic to assess its  health.

Have  a great day!

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