Core Chiropractic Sussex is a regulated primary healthcare service which specialises in diagnosing and treating problems with the neuro-musculoskeletal (nerve, joint and muscle) systems.
As a multi-disciplinary clinic we are able to provide a range of treatments, all of which are available below. Due to our fantastic facilities, we are also able to take bookings of people who wish to rent out a room for as long as needed.

Your initial consultation will consist of a comprehensive assessment including a verbal history followed by a physical exam testing the appropriate muscles, joints and nerves.
We may look at some area of the body that you may feel are not connected. For example you may have low back pain and we examine your big toe, or you may have headaches but we look at your hip function. This is because we look at the body as a whole and not simply the area that may be problematic at the time.
During our assessment we will discuss the need for X-Ray imaging or further scans and we will explain if you do or do not need them. We do not X-Ray unless we definitely need to.
After your assessment we will give you your diagnosis and discuss your management plan and road ahead.