Our Physiotherapist Lola demonstrates how to perform Standing Rows, a great upper posterior chain exercise
Our Physiotherapist Lola demonstrates how to perform a Wall Angel stretch
The anterior chain controls forward movements and pushing. Strengthening of the anterior chain is essential for everyday life activities.
Chest Stretches | Brighton Chiropractor Matt Bateman Shows you how stretch and open up your Pectoral Muscles including Pec major and Pec Minor
Tight Pec Muslces can cause postural issues but also be an effect of postural issues. Either way they need to be addressed by combining opening up the pecs with strengthening the antagonistic muscles in the back
But start here by stretching the Pec Muscles as shown
Brugger Relief Position | Brighton Chiropractor Matt Bateman shows a simple postural exercise which can be done at home or in the office environment to reset the shoulders against creeping forward
Forward Hunched shoulders is something that occurs when the arms lean forward towards a computer screen etc especially when in a seated position
Practice this exercise every hour when seated for 5 x 5 second hold
Brighton Chiropractor Matt Bateman shows a theraband exercise to help retract the shoulder blades and improve posture.
Theraband Scap Retractions | Brighton Chiropractor Matt Bateman shows a theraband exercise to help retract the shoulder blades and improve posture.
Improving posture can help prevent neck pain, upper back pain and shoulder issues.
For more help and advice then go to www.ccsussex.co.uk
Shoulder Sleeper Stretch | Brighton Chiropractor Matt Bateman shows you a simple rotator cuff stretch which is called the “Sleeper Stretch”
Low Trap Dips | Brighton Chiropractor Matt Bateman shows simple exercises designed to target the stabilising muscles around the shoulder blade which develop better posture.
Great for preventing neck pain, upper back and shoulder pain, these exercises can easily be developed into your current exercise schedule or done at home
For more hints and tips or videos go to http://ccbrighton.co.uk/videos-exercises-back-pain-neck-pain-sports-injuries/