Core Chiropractic Brighton, 2 Circus Parade, New England Road, Brighton, BN1 4GW
01273 933 170

Category Archives: SHOULDERS

Face Pull Postural Exercises from Brighton Chiropractor

Face pull postural exercises from Brighton Chiropractor can help show you exercises which you can do in the gym or at home to help stabilise your shoulders and upper back into better posture.

Face Pulls are a great exercise to help train the muscles shich stabilise the shoulder blades into a retracted position.Many people experience shoulder and neck pain because their spines and upper shoulder muscles become tight and painfull. By training the antagonistic or opossing msucles we can reduce the effects of tight upper shoulder muscles and how they can cause neck pain or headaches.

At Core Chiropractic we help using hands on therapy to loosen tight muscles and spinal joints and then show you how to work on the correct muscles to stabilse you into a better posture.

If you have any questions or problems which you would like assessed or treated then please contact us on 01273 933170 or email

Have a great day

Postural Exercises with suspension trainer from Brighton Chiropractor

Postural Exercises from Brighton Chiropractors can help target the muscles which stabilise the shoulders preventing neck and shoulder pain. This exercise can target the rhomboids, low trapezius and rear deltoid msucles which strengthen and stabilise the shoulder blade in good posture.

There are many postural exercises combined with hands on Chiropractic care in Brightons Core Chiropractic to help treat pain and prevent reoccurance in the future.