Core Chiropractic Brighton, 2 Circus Parade, New England Road, Brighton, BN1 4GW
01273 933 170

Author Archives: Matthew Bateman

Chest Stretches | Brighton Chiropractor

Chest Stretches | Brighton Chiropractor Matt Bateman Shows you how stretch and open up your Pectoral Muscles including Pec major and Pec Minor

Tight Pec Muslces can cause postural issues but also be an effect of postural issues. Either way they need to be addressed by combining opening up the pecs with strengthening the antagonistic muscles in the back

But start here by stretching the Pec Muscles as shown

Brugger Relife Position | Brighton Chiropractor

Brugger Relief Position | Brighton Chiropractor Matt Bateman shows a simple postural exercise which can be done at home or in the office environment to reset the shoulders against creeping forward

Forward Hunched shoulders is something that occurs when the arms lean forward towards a computer screen etc especially when in a seated position

Practice this exercise every hour when seated for 5 x 5 second hold

Band Resisted Knee Strengthening Exercises | Brighton Chiropractor

Band Resisted Knee Strengthening Exercises | Brighton Chiropractor Knee strengthening exercises do not affect the knee joint directly, but they strengthen the muscles surrounding it. Strong muscles in the legs can help provide support for the knees. This support may alleviate pressure and strain on these joints, which can relieve pain and help a person be more active. Using the band provides increases resistance. Give it a go!

Home Band Resisted Glute Med Exercises | Brighton Chiropractor

Home Band Resisted Glute Med Exercises | Brighton Chiropractor Your glutes help control the movement of the pelvis, hips, legs, and torso. The glutes help slow down the flexion of your hips which helps counteract the downward pull of gravity. This helps prevent your lumbar spine from over-rounding forward. Your glutes help to stabilize the pelvis and movement in the hip joint. This is also a great exercise for runners!

Psoas March | Brighton Chiropractor

Psoas March | Brighton Chiropractor video is a great exercise used to strengthen the core while the psoas muscles is elongating and isometrically contracting

Complete 3 sets of 8 reps daily or when you do a core session

The psoas (hip flexor) is a real problem in low back pain. It can cause low back pain, it can occur during low back pain then stop the back getting better and it can cause faulty movement patterns ongoing

For further help and information go to

Shockwave Therapy Brighton | Achilles Tendonitis

Shockwave Therapy Brighton | Achilles Tendonitis

Shockwave Therapy Brighton | Achilles Tendonitis is a common overecurtion / repitive strain injury in the Achilles Tendon which as a result of mechanical stress to the calf muscles and tendons.

This is a common insjury in long distance runners, dancers and sports which include explosive dynamic movements. When there is inflamation in the tendon this can cause sharp tendon pain when load bearing and also throbbing pain even when at rest. The pain can commonly cause you to be unable to weight bear and also prevent your training and exercise routines or even simply walking to work

We commonly recmonend manual techniques such as calf massage, stretching, relative rest, and icing to this very painfull Achilles Tendonitis or Tendonopathy hwoever somtimes these pains can become chronic and need a different approach

We have a new techniques used at Core Chiropractic where we use acoustic sound wave / shockwaves which can induce blood vessel growth in the tendon which normally doesnt have very much blood flow

This creates a better environment for healing to occur

At Core Chiropractic we use manual techniques with Shockwave therapy within the same sessions to help maximise the chance of recovery as quickly as possible

Further Reading

NHS consultants across the country including in Guys London use therapies including Shockwave to treat Axhilles tendonitis and here is there protocol behind it

Shockwave Therapy Brighton | Tennis Elbow

Shockwave Therapy Brighton | Tennis Elbow

Shockwave Therapy Brighton | Tennis Elbow | Brighton Chiropractor Matt Bateman shows you simple techniques how to treat and avoid tennis elbow

Tennis Elbow is a irritation or inflamation of the tendon that attached the forearm muscles into the bone of the Raduis bone in the elbow. We normally advise regular methods of treatment including strapping, stretching, icing and pain avoidance as well as strengtheing exercises as seen here

However we also have NEW therapies which can help the especially chronic issues called Shockwave Therapy

We use a machine which pulses audible, low-energy sound waves, called shockwaves. These pass into the injured tissues which then cause blood vessels to open and increase blood flow to the injured area.

Most of the ligament and tendon issues listed above can become chronic because of the poor blood flow into those areas. This inhibits tissue regeneration and healing. Using Shockwave can speed up the bodies healing process and get you back into your activity asap

Shockwave therapy is often recomended now even by the NHS for these types of condidtions when they have become chronic