Core Chiropractic Brighton, 2 Circus Parade, New England Road, Brighton, BN1 4GW
01273 933 170

Category Archives: CORE + HIPS

Glute strengthening exercises from Brighton Chiropractor

Glute strengthening exercises from Brighton Chiropractor include simple hip extensions and abduction exericses.

Glute  strengthening can help stabilise the pelvic and low back joints, they can help develop power when running and lifting as well as helping the hip stay stable to allow proper alignment of the knee and ankle.

Proper gluteal stability can help prevent low bacck pain, hip pain and knee or ankle pain. Hence they are incredibly important for everybody not simply those practicing sport.

Practice these simple glute exercises which can be done either  in the gym or at home with theraband as demonstrated in the video attached.

If you have any pains or issues either doing these exercises or in your everyday activities then please feel free to contact us on 01273 933170 or



Hip Flexibility Stretches – Brighton Chiropractor Matt Bateman demonstrates

Hip Flexibility Stretches can effect your chances of developing low back pain. Brighton Chiropractor Matt Bateman helps explain how to improve your hip flexibility with two simple stretches.

These stretches help you improve your hip flexion which is important when bending forward and squatting. But also hip extension which is very important when walking to prevent over arching in the low back and pelvis.

Brighton Chiropractor Matt Bateman explains two fantastic stretches that can help you improve your flexibility. If these have been prescribed to you then watch the form careully and do not complete if painfull at all.If either cause back pain or  leg pain then consult the clinic and book in for a free consultation TODAY ON 01273 933170

The Golfers lift – from Core Chiropractic

This week I watched a patient pick up their handbag after a treatment with bad form. She then asked me to show her the best way to pick up light objects. So this week we will be looking at The Golfer’s Lift. Last week we discussed the need for proper lifting  in the best ways to squat. In the video we showed you  how to use the hip hinge to  squat down properly with strength. However this week is a slightly more difficult lift but used for every items to pick up quickly and easily.

The Golfers Lift

This uses the legs to  counter balance the upper body when bending forwards. The golfers lift can prevent the joints in the low back from spraining and the muscles from straining. When we lift badly  we can cause injury. However when we lift properly we prevent the risk of injury. In practice we see patients commonly say  “I was imply bending over to pick up my bag and my back went” this is normally due to  repetitive bad lifting habits which eventually cause tissue injury.

This is designed to be used to pick up light objects. You need good core stability to practice the lift safely  however if you practice at home with light objects while concentrating on your form then the movement pattern will improve.


Prevention of back pain

Proper lifting can prevent back pain however maintenance care and chiropractic adjustments can also prevent the low back from injuring. If you have had pain and these problems keep re-occuring then make contact with us and book in for a free consultation with a qualified Chiropractor to examine the problem today through our request an appointment page

For regular updates on your phone then like us on facebook and see constant new updates on news, dietary plans and core stability suggestions

Best ways to squat – Core Chiropractic advice on lifting

Best ways to squat – Core Chiropractic advice on lifting

People experience back pain when they are lifting badly without good form. This is due to improper loading of the spine and in so doing we can strain muscles and sprain joints. Poor squatting techniques and bad lifting can all of a sudden cause back pain. This is why in practice we see many people to explain that “I was only bending to pick up my bag and my back went”

However the best ways to squat help you decrease the chances of causing back pain. If we can learn how to squat and bend properly without putting our back under pressure then we decrease to chances of causing tissue damage. The more we practice best ways to squat then the quicker it becomes natural and habitual.

In the words of Marcus Gladwell the start of your 10,000hours starts here. By practicing this form consciously when lifting in the gym or simple tasks makes the movement pattern then habit. When something is habit you will still do it at a subconscious level. So when the kids are screaming and you need to pull the clothes out of the drier you will still squat properly.

Learn the patterns of moving your hips backwards during the best ways to squat and protect your back for the future.

Hip Hinging

This simple video illustrates the ease of preforming a hip hinge when lifting. There are many other techniques when lifting including the golfers lift as seen below.

Check out our advice on the golfers lift on

Keep your eyes out for future videos in our library on core stabilisation techniques and exercises to help maintain a good base for strong lifting.

Further Advice

If you are currently suffering with a problem then don’t simply try to work through it. Visit Core Chiropractic and have any injury  assessed diagnosed and a treatment plan set out for you.



The best exercises for low back and core stability – Both Sided Dead Bug

Here is the both sided or “Bilateral Dead Bug” which is one of our exercises for low back pain. The development of both sides at the same time is harder along the progression from the normal Dead Bug. It should only be attempted when the Dead Bug is pain free and easy….or becoming no challenge any more. By improving CORE strength you can prevent further low back pain and improve your performance in every day activities.

The Bilateral Dead Bug again should be done in 3 x 8-10 reps and can have dumbbells added if needed.

Oh and wait there is still a further progress to come
