Plantar Fasciitis
Lola demonstrates Plantar Fascia stretch variations
Part 2 of Lola’s Achilles Rehab
Lola demonstrates a couple of great Hamstring stretches
Lola demonstrates a great variation of calf stretches
Brighton Chiropractor Matt Bateman shows you how to stretch your hip flexors, gluteals and low back in a way to help and prevent low back and hip / leg pain
This stretch should be done before and after exercise which uses legs especially dynamic hip movement however should always be done within a pain free range of motion
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Low Back Flexibility | Brighton Chiropractor Matt Bateman shows you how to help with the flexibility of a stiff low back
This exercise which is a combination of Childs Pose and Cobra Yoga positions or McKenzie extensions or Pluto Sniff positions known in various circles and industries.
These should be dine wihtin pain free range of motion and not casue any sharp pain or radicular pain down either legs. If this happens then stop and reduce the stretch
Chest Stretches | Brighton Chiropractor Matt Bateman Shows you how stretch and open up your Pectoral Muscles including Pec major and Pec Minor
Tight Pec Muslces can cause postural issues but also be an effect of postural issues. Either way they need to be addressed by combining opening up the pecs with strengthening the antagonistic muscles in the back
But start here by stretching the Pec Muscles as shown
Brugger Relief Position | Brighton Chiropractor Matt Bateman shows a simple postural exercise which can be done at home or in the office environment to reset the shoulders against creeping forward
Forward Hunched shoulders is something that occurs when the arms lean forward towards a computer screen etc especially when in a seated position
Practice this exercise every hour when seated for 5 x 5 second hold