Core Chiropractic Brighton, 2 Circus Parade, New England Road, Brighton, BN1 4GW
01273 933 170

Category Archives: CORE + HIPS

Low Back Roll Stretch | Brighton Chiropractor

Low Back Roll Stretch | Brighton Chiropractor Matt Bateman show you how to stretch and mobilise the low back when the msucles and joints may becoming tight and stiff respectivly.

Great exercise for stretching pre or post exercise and lossening tight muscles in the low back.

This exercise can be used to prevent low back pain and even during episodes of low back pain

Prone Shoulder Arcs

Prone Shoudler arcs can help strengthen upper back muscles which hold your shoulders in better posture.

By lifintg a dowl or light pole up off the floor and moving the shoulder can help strengthen the muscles between the spine and shoulder blade

Shoulders and shoulder blades which are relaxed and sit back and down instead of hunched up and slouched forward are better for your posture. Good posture can prevent neck pain, shoulder pain and headaches in the future.

For further hints and tips on postural care and general healthy living go to

Suspension Training Mountain Climbers

Suspension Training Mountain Climbers are a great exercise to strengthen the abdominals and low back muscles.

This is an advanced exercise which is only appropiate if you have done other core stability exercises all in pain free practice and need a progression of further exercises.

A great exercise using your own body weight and a dynamic exercise which uses core stability during movement.

Side Plank Rotations Exercise | Brighton Chiropractor

Side Plank Rotation Exercise demonstrated by Brighton Chiropractor Matt Bateman. The side plank exercise is a great exercise to help stabilise the core while moving dynamically. It will strengthen the abdominals, gluteal and low back muscles which can prevent epsisodes of back pain and improve performance in other activities.

This is a good alternative to a normal plank as the movement is more realistic to everyday activities where we move twist and lift our body weight as opposed to holding a stiff rigid posture.

Please complete within pain free range of motion and stop if any back issues or pain occurs.

Low Back Pain Exercise – The Cat Camel

The Cat Camel Exercise is a great low back pain exercise for mobilising and improving the flexibility of the mid-low back and pelvis. This exercise shows how to mobilise the back without placing too much stress over the low back joints.

Complete the exercise when you are looking recover from an episode of back pain or preventing back pain occuring in the future.

Glute Bridges Exercises from Brighton Chiropractor

Glute bridges are an exercise that can strengthen your core muscle groups including glutes and low back muscles as well as stabilising your hamstrings.

The exercise can be progressed by doing on single leg as shown to isolate on gluteal group. This reproduces situations such as when you are standing on one leg when walking and running.

You should look to complete 3-5 sets of 8-12 reps daily during a rehabilitation phase post injury or 3 times per week when simplky strengthening.

For further exercises please go through to