SIJ self manipulation 2 | Brighton Chiropractor
SIJ self manipulation 1 | Brighton Chiropractor
Advanced Hip Stretching 1 | Brighton Chiropractor
Hip abductions | Brighton Chiropractor
Marching Plank | Brighton Physiotherapist. Lola demonstrates marching planks really great core exercise, give this a try!
Psoas March | Brighton Physiotherapist. Lola demonstrates PSOAS March, great for core strength
Banded Standing Hip abductions | Brighton Physiotherapist. Lola demonstrates a single banded standing hip abduction variation
Round the clock | Brighton Physiotherapist. Lola demonstrates a great stabilising exercise
Prone Internal\External hip rotation | Brighton Physiotherapist. Lola demonstrates prone internal and external hip rotation at Core Chiropractic
Hip labrum tear rehab protocol | Brighton Physiotherapist. A fantastic rehab exercise to help with Hip Labrum tears