Core Chiropractic Brighton, 2 Circus Parade, New England Road, Brighton, BN1 4GW
01273 933 170

Category Archives: LEGS + FEET

The Greatest Stretch – For the Hip | Brighton Chiropractor

Brighton Chiropractor Matt Bateman shows you how to stretch your hip flexors, gluteals and low back in a way to help and prevent low back and hip / leg pain

This stretch should be done before and after exercise which uses legs especially dynamic hip movement however should always be done within a pain free range of motion

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Brighton Chiropractor | Hip 90 Leg Abductions

Brighton Chiropractor | Hip 90 deg Abductions Great exercise to strengthen and stretch the hips, glutes and ease the lower back. The hip abductor muscles help to raise your leg to the side, away from your body. They also help support your pelvis when you’re standing on one leg. When these muscles are weak, it can affect your balance and mobility. It can also cause low back pain due to instability. This exercise is also very beneficial for runners.

Band Resisted Knee Strengthening Exercises | Brighton Chiropractor

Band Resisted Knee Strengthening Exercises | Brighton Chiropractor Knee strengthening exercises do not affect the knee joint directly, but they strengthen the muscles surrounding it. Strong muscles in the legs can help provide support for the knees. This support may alleviate pressure and strain on these joints, which can relieve pain and help a person be more active. Using the band provides increases resistance. Give it a go!

Home Band Resisted Glute Med Exercises | Brighton Chiropractor

Home Band Resisted Glute Med Exercises | Brighton Chiropractor Your glutes help control the movement of the pelvis, hips, legs, and torso. The glutes help slow down the flexion of your hips which helps counteract the downward pull of gravity. This helps prevent your lumbar spine from over-rounding forward. Your glutes help to stabilize the pelvis and movement in the hip joint. This is also a great exercise for runners!

Psoas March | Brighton Chiropractor

Psoas March | Brighton Chiropractor video is a great exercise used to strengthen the core while the psoas muscles is elongating and isometrically contracting

Complete 3 sets of 8 reps daily or when you do a core session

The psoas (hip flexor) is a real problem in low back pain. It can cause low back pain, it can occur during low back pain then stop the back getting better and it can cause faulty movement patterns ongoing

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