Core Chiropractic Brighton, 2 Circus Parade, New England Road, Brighton, BN1 4GW
01273 933 170

Category Archives: LEGS + FEET

Suspension training lunge | Brighton Chiropractor

Suspension training lunge | Brighton Chiropractor Matt Bateman show simple exercises to help strengthen the hips and pelvic stabilizers when standing on one leg

This can help improve the stability and strength when running and walking to prevent low back pain, pelvic or knee issues

For more information please go to

Advanced Hip flexor Stretch | Brighton Chiropractor

Advanced Hip flexor Stretch | Brighton Chiropractor Matt Bateman shows an advanced stretch to target the hip flexors

Tight Hip flexors can cause low back pain in various forms but also prevents back problems from getting better

For further exercises and hints or tips to help or prevent low back pain go to

Hamstring Stretching | Brighton Chiropractor

Hamstring Stretching | Brighton Chiropractor Matt Bateman deminstrates that stretching is something that many patients with tight backs, glutes and backs of the legs

You may need to stretch the hamstrings to help treat back pain or even types of knee injuries For further help hints and tips regarding chiropractic or general health then go to

Leg Foam Rolling | Brighton Chiropractor

Leg Foam Rolling | Brighton Chiropractor Matt Bateman shows you how to release and ease tension in the leg muscles includiing

1. Gluteals
2. Ilio-tibial Band
3. Calf Muscles

this can help ease tension and knee pain, hip pain and or plantar fasciitis in the ankle/foot.

It can also hellp prevent leg injuries inclduing overuse injusries when running or during sports.

For any further hints and tips on sports injuries and preventing leg inuries then go to

Knee Strengthening Exercises | Brighton Chiropractor

Knee Strengthening Exercises | Brighton Chiropractor Check out these knee strengthening exercises from Core Chiropractic.

These exercises are designd to strengthen the Vastus Medialis Oblique muscle which helps hold the knee cap in the correct position.

They are great for preventing anterior knee pain and strengthening for sports and general exercise.

For further hints and tips go to

Suspension Training Mountain Climbers

Suspension Training Mountain Climbers are a great exercise to strengthen the abdominals and low back muscles.

This is an advanced exercise which is only appropiate if you have done other core stability exercises all in pain free practice and need a progression of further exercises.

A great exercise using your own body weight and a dynamic exercise which uses core stability during movement.

Glute Bridges Exercises from Brighton Chiropractor

Glute bridges are an exercise that can strengthen your core muscle groups including glutes and low back muscles as well as stabilising your hamstrings.

The exercise can be progressed by doing on single leg as shown to isolate on gluteal group. This reproduces situations such as when you are standing on one leg when walking and running.

You should look to complete 3-5 sets of 8-12 reps daily during a rehabilitation phase post injury or 3 times per week when simplky strengthening.

For further exercises please go through to

Glute strengthening exercises from Brighton Chiropractor

Glute strengthening exercises from Brighton Chiropractor include simple hip extensions and abduction exericses.

Glute  strengthening can help stabilise the pelvic and low back joints, they can help develop power when running and lifting as well as helping the hip stay stable to allow proper alignment of the knee and ankle.

Proper gluteal stability can help prevent low bacck pain, hip pain and knee or ankle pain. Hence they are incredibly important for everybody not simply those practicing sport.

Practice these simple glute exercises which can be done either  in the gym or at home with theraband as demonstrated in the video attached.

If you have any pains or issues either doing these exercises or in your everyday activities then please feel free to contact us on 01273 933170 or
